To celebrate his 30th birthday, Sebastian invited all his friends for a weekend at Mount Baker. I didn’t bother taking photos while skiing inbounds on Saturday, but the groomers were fast and sunny! It was suppose to be ridiculously cold over the weekend, but the arctic outflow winds didn’t quite hit until Sunday morning. Instead of freezing in a tent or hut somewhere, we spent Saturday night sitting in a hottub, drinking beers, and enjoying Feurzangenbowle.
Most of these photos were shot using my Tokina wide angle lens, at ISO 800. I brought my flash along too, but I’m still trying to get used to it, but still can’t seem to get what I want out of it.
Enjoying some good American beer. New Belgium Fat Tire, Kona Pipeline, and Full Sail Sessions.
Seppel looking for the rest of the beer
Seppel has been talking about how much he wants a sled, so he can ski the sick shit in the backcountry with all his sledneck buddies. So Naomi made him the first ever MEC-branded backcountry sled. Seppel on the inaugural run down the stairs. I think he cracked part of the wood on the way down. Good thing MEC has a rock solid warranty!
This was all Naomi’s idea, I think it materialized after their Roger’s Pass trip recently.
Sick to the rad
Awesome cabins
BBQ Cat? Gotta ask Seppel about this one
What do a bunch of structural engineers do at a party?
Victor stressing out over his next move
I really like this perspective
Mel showing zen-like concentration
Big batches of chili. The perfect meal for a chilly December night.
The Big 30.
Feuerzangebowle is like mulled wine, but better! This dense sugar cone sits on top of a metal tray, and is then drenched in rum and set on fire. I don’t know where you can buy the cone in Vancouver. Werner bought the cone from a German store in New York.
A real crowd pleaser
Thanks for the weekend. More photos here at Flickr