It’s been a rough snow year for the North Shore Mountains. Most of the precipitation has fallen as rain on all three ski areas. Cypress[…]
Gin Peak
A daytrip to Gin Peak, with Krystil Chris Evan Greta Ben and Jen. We parked at the biathlon range at Whistler Olympic Park. Same deal[…]
Red Heather and Musical Bumps Ski
Red Heather Uncertain about the snow conditions,I headed up to Red Heather again, with Ben Tiff Adam and Tracy. It was pouring rain in North[…]
Brandywine Mountain Early Season Ski
It was 10pm on Saturday night, and I was without a ski plan for Sunday. Never a good situation to be in. I was out[…]
Metal Dome Early Season Ski
Alex, Bill, Rob, Dan and I did a quick ski trip up to Metal Dome via the Brandywine FSR. It’s still early season on the[…]
Light up the Cove at Bowen Island
Bowen Adventure Ben, Jenn, Kristin, Mike, Amy, Al and I spent last weekend at Bowen Island for the annual Light up the Cove celebrations. Five[…]
November Turns – Red Heather, Black Tusk, and Baker
I wish it was colder and wetter this past November. I would be perfectly happy if it was 4C in Vancouver, and raining every single[…]
Nick and Lena’s Wedding
I would rather take photos of Nick Matwyuk and Lena Rowat slaying white dragons, fluffing pillow lines and riding powder ponies in the mountains, but[…]
The Black Tusk and Panorama Ridge
Back in early October, Jen Mark and I went for a hike up the classic duo in Garibaldi Park, starting from the Rubble Creek parking[…]
Blackcomb-Currie Traverse
Note: I’ve described this trip taking the exit out the Gravell Creek, via the upper roads and NOT the cutblock. A better option now would[…]