Sept 1, 2010 Robin, Mark, Andre, Steve and I did an awesome horsehoe of Corrie Creek, heading up the Helm Glacier and then back north[…]
North Coast Trail
Earlier this summer, I hiked the North Coast Trail with a group of friends on the northern tip of Vancouver Island. We did the trail[…]
Athelney Pass
Go here, originally uploaded by RichSo. Aug 20-22 2007 You have to go here. You start hiking in a wide open creekbed and you end[…]
Mount Urquhart
At 10:30pm on Saturday night, Matt Gunn asked me if I was interested in a short day up to Mount Urquhart with Andre Zimmermann. Urquhart[…]
Little Ring Peak
DSC_0004, originally uploaded by RichSo. From Fairley’s guide, “Peak 7400 (2260m/7400ft), located 6.4km/4mi NW of Callaghan and 2.5km SE of Squamish Glacier snout, is known[…]