Lizzie Creek Cabin New Year’s Trip

by Rich So,

The Sunshine Coast Trail

by Rich So,

The Vancouver 100

by Rich So,

Stein Valley Traverse – Lizzie to Blowdown

by Rich So,

VanIsle 360

by Rich So,

Angel’s Crest and the Zodiac Wall Rockfall

by Rich So,

Princess Louisa Inlet

by Rich So,

Getting Judged – Mount Judge Howay

by Rich So,


On Saturday, Laura, Leah, Mark, Sarah and I skied some short but sweet runs on the north side of Zoa. This is one of those[…]

Strachan Sunset Ski

Skiing off Strachan in perfect conditions. I don’t think it gets any better. Lisa skinning up towards the top of Hollyburn. Afternoon lighting on the[…]