Back in February, I decided to enter the Kneeknacker again, with a guaranteed spot as I didn’t get in the last two years. Instead, I[…]
Harvey’s Pup – Pup Buttress
July 4, 2015 The Pup Buttress is a full-value alpine rock route on Harvey’s Pup, a rock tower west of Mount Harvey in the North[…]
Mount Seymour Inversion
It’s been a rough snow year for the North Shore Mountains. Most of the precipitation has fallen as rain on all three ski areas. Cypress[…]
Cathedral Mountain – Highest Church on the North Shore
This one has been on the list for a long time. When I heard that Doris and Avery were doing the Bagger’s Challenge this year,[…]
Knee Knacker 2012
I started trail running again this spring, after taking a long break since last spring to enjoy a summer of mountain biking, climbing, followed by[…]
Summer Solstice
Happy summer solstice! As Roland aptly puts it, “winter is just around the corner. From now on the days will be getting shorter and the[…]
Running the Knee Knacker
I tried to run a little bit back in high school, but I never quite enjoyed it. A season of cross-country running, some track and[…]
Mount Harvey – North Face Ramp Winter Climb
I spent Valentine’s day with Seth Adams, one of the most charming people in the VOC, climbing the North Face Ramp of Mount Harvey. Originally[…]
Backyard Alpine – The Widowmaker Arete
Nick Elson climbing the Widowmaker Arete, Crown Mountain, BC, originally uploaded by RichSo. Nick Elson and I went off to climb the Widowmaker Arete on[…]
Car failure, Seymour, and Self-propelled ascent of “The Camel”
Chris vs the Camel, originally uploaded by RichSo. The oringal plan for the weekend was to climb Mount Willson at the southern end of the[…]