The Wild Coast Part 5: Nootka Sound

Aug 10-12 After sailing down Tahsis Inlet, we went through the Spanish Pilot islands to get to Bligh Cove, inside Bligh Island. This area is named by Captain William Bligh, the same captain of the famous HMS Bounty. There’s a lot of history in Nootka Sound. Records of civilization here goes way back. We visited Resolution Cove, the spot where Captain Cook and his crew landed and stayed for two months to repair their damaged masts. 

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Unsettled weather in Nootka Sound Hesquiat Peninsula. The last hurdle before reaching Tofino. We sailed around it the next morning after stopping in Friendly Cove at the entrance to Nootka Sound. 

DSC_5803 Motoring around Nootka SoundIt rained on and off here. 

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The Nootka Sound lighthouse is manned year-round by a very friend couple. We anchored in the bay that night, and went ashore the next morning to explore the lighthouse and the old church. It was a bit of a rocky night, since the bay was opened to the south, and some swells were entering the bay. 

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Locals heading off to retrieve their crab traps. 

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Stirfry dinner aboard Salus. 

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Visiting the Nootka Sound lighthouse 

Native carvings inside the old Catholic church 

Stained glass windows donated by the Spanish government in commemoration of the meeting between Captain Bodega-Quadra and Captain Vancouver, Aug 27 1792.

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Fishing vessel off Estevan Point. A common sight on the coast.

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