November 27, 2010
Robin was in town, so Tim, Fred, Mark, and I piled into Blinky and drove up to Whistler to go skiing. We headed up the Rainbow Lake trail, where coverage was somewhat marginal. The worst bit was between leaving the trail, and the Hanging Valley, where we had to take off our skis to bootpack through the steep headwall. The snow up high was quite nice though! A very pleasant day for touring and enjoying the rolling terrain up there.
Robin soaking up some of that beautiful November sunshine
Fred skiing up through the rolling meadows
Rolling terrain and lots of snow up high
Mark enjoying a little bit of meadow skipping. The avalanche danger was considerable at treeline.
Looking over at the true east summit of Sproatt. It’s all very rolling and rambling up here. The main run off Sproatt was looking too bony today.

Touring through rolling subalpine terrain in the Sproatt/Gin Peak area.
They just don’t have powder like this in Toronto, just look at that grin!
Alas it was time to go home. The ski out through the headwall was quite technical, requiring some sideslipping along the frozen icy ground, log rails, and alder gates. It just needs a bit more snow!